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Registration is free and allows you to access full text contents and post your own protocols and documents on the Website. All you need for completing the registration process is a valid email address (the validation of the email address is required for activating the account). The email address will be just used for user identification and for communications between user and the Website administration. Email addresses will never be shared with other users (except if you decide to send a private message to another author) and will be never communicated to third parties. You will be asked to select a password and define your nick(name). You may also specify in which institution/University/department you are currently working and the URL of your person al external website (not required). If you don’t have a personal Website and you would like to have an online portfolio, please contact the Webmaster (labwizz@gmail.com). Users having inappropriate nicknames, inappropriate email addresses or linked to inappropriate URLs will be deleted or blocked without notice. A “Reset Password” tool is also available. This tool will set a new random password that will be sent to your email address. Users may change password and update all personal information as well. Updating the email address will block the account until the new email address will be validated. You may decide to delete your account at any time. By doing so, your contact information will be permanently deleted and you may choose whether to delete or not all the items that you published. For deleting your account, please send an email to the webmaster (labwizz@gmail.com).