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Created on: 25-Apr-2014. Updated on: 25-Apr-2014.

Category: Proteins.

Silver Staining Method Compatible with Mass Spectrometry

Posted by: Vania, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

This Silver Staining Protocol was adapted from Shevchenko A et al, Anal Chem, 1996 and allows detection of proteins on a SDS-PAGE gel with high sensitivity but at the same time allows identification of the spots/bands by MS/MS analysis. 

Fix solution: 5% acetic acid, 45% reagent alchol, 50% water
Sensitizer: , Silver and Developer reagents fresh every time. Fix 1: 50% methanol/10% acetic acid Fix 2: 5% methanol/1% acetic acid Fix 3: 50% methanol Stop: 6% acetic acid or 40 mM Na2-EDTA SENSITIZER: 0.02% sodium thiosulfate 20 mg Na2S2O3• 5H2O + 100 ml ddH2O Reserve a small volume of Sensitizer (2.0 mL) for Developer solution. SILVER: 0.2% silver nitrate 200 mg AgNO3 + 100 ml ddH2O Keep at 4ºC until used DEVELOPER: sodium carbonate/sodium thiosulfate/formaldehyde 6.0 g NaCO3 + 50 μl (37% stoc...

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